WatchPitch Podcast: For Start-Ups & Investors
By Trey Scott
Episode 27: Trey Scott: Genesis Story for WatchPitch – Closing the Global Gap
Episode Summary
Our guest for the 27th episode of the WatchPitch Podcast is (drum roll…) me! Tadah ! A few days ago…which was last year, the South by Southwest – like event and group in Charleston, South Carolina known as Dig South and their folks at SouthPod reached out to do an interview.. The tech we used for the interview was Zoom, a little rough but hopefully forgiveable because for the first time, we talked about the roots of the WatchPitch. You will discover the engine behind WatchPitch is bridge building! Creating the means to identify problems, offer leading edge solutions partnering the resources to make it happen is at the core functionality of what WatchPitch does…for Investors and Entrepreneurs. You will be inspired as we launch officially into 2019!
Episode Notes
We learned a little bit more about what is under the hood of the passion behind WatchPitch, the global phenomena of entrepreneurialism and start-ups and how deal flow is changing to use tech like WatchPitch to get to solutions and partnerships sooner. Thank you for listening !
The WatchPitch Podcast for start-ups and investors is the inside track to best practices, insights and candid conversations from successful entrepreneurs and investors. We talk about what investors are looking for in a pitch, what entrepreneurs need to avoid and what they need to turn the volume up on when meeting with investors. The show is about empowering decision-making and creating huge efficiencies in deal flow by the way we communicate.